ATENOR clearly claims its societal commitment through a communication strategy that breaks away from the traditional real estate codes.

Bringing life to and beautifying urban neighbourhoods, reviving old industrial wastelands and transforming them into mixed and sustainable neighbourhoods, ensuring the well-being of citizens and respect for diversity, all of these are objectives which guide ATENOR in its societal approach.

Because acting for the city means, among other things, acting for its citizens, ATENOR has included "Acting for People" in its societal approach.
Today, in response to the plurality of the city, ATENOR shines the spotlight on the importance of meetings, contacts and exchanges by launching "Wake Up the City". A nod to city life and the importance of social ties.
By offering a moment of conviviality around a cup of coffee, ATENOR symbolizes and celebrates city life. The ATENOR coffee truck has been traveling to several places in all the European cities where ATENOR is present and this time it stopped in Hungary!

On 28th October, we had already shared a special moment together in Óbuda followed by a morning coffee sceance last week in the campus area offered by Váci Greens, District XIII.  We are glad to have met several citizens to celebrate social life around a cup of coffee –  all in a sustainable and responsible way!

This initiative is an additional sign of ATENOR's commitment to a plural, open, unifying urban life, rich in its diversity and contacts. Explore further stops of the tour: ATENOR - Wake Up the City - Tour