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Adventum Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt.

Address: 1015 Budapest, Battyány utca 3. fsz. 1.

Web Address:  1015 Budapest, Batthyány utca 3., fsz 1.

Phone Number:  +36 1 235 0733  +36 1 266 9441 

Adventum Investment Fund Management Ltd. has specialized in the management of investment funds since 1999. The performance of Adventum and the level of service provided derives from its colleagues’ and partners’ professional experience gained over the many years spent in the investment sector. The Management uses this extensive experience to implement investments in and through its funds primarily in the Hungarian real estate market.


Koó Gergely MRICS

Leasing Director

+36 20 222 1212

Koó Gergely MRICS

Koó Gergely MRICS

Leasing Director

+36 20 222 1212

Koó Gergely MRICS

Adventum Zrt.

Márton András

Partner, Transactions and Business Development

+36 20 406 9773

Ördögh Bálint

+36 20 363 3022

Ördögh Bálint