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New Services in CityZen and Kálvin Square

From October 2016, a new service has been available for the occupiers of CityZen and Kalvin Square office buildings. Separate men's and ladies' changing rooms and showers have been installed to provide the opportunity for employees to refresh themselves after a busy day or sport.

New CityZens, Tech Mahindra

CityZen, the newly renovated 12,500 m2 office building at Váci út 37 has leased 1,558m2 offices to Tech Mahindra.

ConvergenCE wins property management of Budapest office portfolio

ConvergenCE has taken over the property management of Kálvin Centre, Duna Office Centre, and Baross 52 after a competitive tender. The buildings total approximately 30,000 sqm and were recently acquired by a UK based investment management fund.

Europa Capital & ConvergenCE leases 600 m2 to Kelly Services a month after acquisition of Kalvin Centre

Europa Capital and ConvergenCE have recently closed the acquisition of a circa 30,000 sq. metre office portfolio and have already leased 600 sq. metres to Kelly Services Inc., the workforce solutions provider, in a successful cooperation with CE LAND Holding Ltd., the asset manager of the previous owner, VB Real Estate Services GmbH.

ConvergenCE appointed as Property Manager to new KPMG H.Q.

KPMG, one of the leading audit and consulting companies in Hungary, has entrusted real estate asset and property manager, ConvergenCE with the property management of its new headquarters. KPMG will occupy cca. 11,200 m2 of the A+ category Vision Towers North office building located at the junction of Váci út and Dózsa György út from August 2014.

Europa Capital refinances Eiffel Square, its prime Budapest office investment

Europa Capital LLP, on behalf of Europa Fund II, and ConvergenCE have concluded a significant new loan to refinance Eiffel Square in central Pest, with pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank. The EUR 33 million refinancing from pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank closed at the end of 2013. Eiffel Square is considered to be one of the leading office investments in central Budapest, due to its excellent location, quality of construction and full occupancy.